Intact Media Group TV Division – most watched multichannel platform in the urban area

Intact Media Group TV Division – most watched multichannel platform in the urban area


Intact Media Group’s TV channels are audience leaders on all time slots, on the All Urban target. Antena 3 leads all time intervals aged 18+, Antena 1 will soon launch its spring grid featuring super productions, while enjoying an audience growth on the commercial public during February. Euforia TV will transform, starting March, 7th, in Happy Channel,  the only Romanian TV station advocating for women rights, under the “All I want” umbrella. More information below:

Absolute leadership for Intact TV division in the Urban area

Intact Media Group is audience leader on all time slots, on the All Urban target, including Whole Day and Prime Time.

Furthermore, Intact’s channels have the most watched productions during Day Time and Access, on the commercial public. The TV division is also leading key time slots.


Antena 1, growth on the commercial public

Antena 1’s programming strategy, of rejuvenating its public and attracting a larger number of viewers from the urban target, aged between 18 and 49 years, has concrete effects:

Antena 1 has experienced growth on most time slots for the commercial target and is audience leader during Day Time. The successful Prime Time productions that started in February – “Beat the blondes”, “Your face sounds familiar” and the local production “Next Star” will be followed by five important shows:“Game of chefs”( cooking show),“In puii mei”( comedy), “Bravo, Romania”( talent how) , “iUmor”( comedy) and “Temptation Island”(reality show).

On the All Urban and National target, Antena 1 is leader during Day Time and Access (time slots featuring Observator 16.00 – news bulletin and Acces Direct – magazine show).

“Your face sounds familiar”, “Next Star” and “Beat the blondes” are Antena 1’s most watched productions on the commercial public in February.

The daily stripes also hold front positions in top most watched productions in February.

Frozen, the Disney animated movie, had a 23.7% market share on the commercial, becoming Antena 1’s most watched film this year.


Antena 3, absolute leader

Intact Media Group’s news channel is audience leader on its niche, on all time slots, on the public aged 18+.

“Sinteza Zilei”, “Punctul de întâlnire” and “Subiectiv” are Antena 3’s most watched productions in February. On average, last month, more than 400.000 Romanians, aged 18+ watched Sinteza Zilei.

Antena 3 is also audience leader of the news niche, during Whole Day and Prime Time, on the commercial target.


Antena Stars, audience growth during Prime Time

The TV channel that spins hot showbiz news has important audience appreciation during Prime Time and Late Fringe, on the commercial target, compared to February 2015.

“Party-Tura with Mihai Morar”, the TV series “Alege dragostea” and “Party like a star” were the most watched productions in February.


Euforia TV turns into Happy Channel starting March, 7th

Starting March, 7th, Euforia TV will change its logo, graphics as well as its grid. Starting this Monday, Happy Channel will broadcast the Turkish production ”Never let go”, as well as Televisa soap opera “ Mi corazon es tuyo” and “Muchacha italiana viene a casarse”.

Celebrating International Women Day, Happy Channel will broadcast local productions – “The right to happiness” – a show which aims to present and find solutions to women’ problems and traumas – and “Happy Day” – a cultural magazine show. Dr. House, Friends, White Collar and Revenge will also be available in the new grid.


ZU TV, the young generation’s TV channel

The Group’s music channel for the youngsters aged 15 to 34 years old has audience appreciation in Access, compared to the same period last year. “Morning ZU”, “Truth or dare” and “Music Police” were the most popular shows in February.


Intact Media Group thanks its public and partners for all their support and trust. Intact offers the ultimate content mix through its multichannel platform, for all age segments and consumer preferences.