The “Antenele” TV channels hold three positions in top 10 TV stations during March

The “Antenele” TV channels hold three positions in top 10 TV stations during March


Intact Media Group TV division has once again appreciated its position on the majority of daily segments, both on the commercial and urban public during March 2014.

Compared to February 2013, the “Antenele” TV channels have increased their market share, reaching undisputable leadership on the following intervals, on urban population:

– Whole day (2 – 26 hours) + 1, 5 % (23.2 % vs . 21.7 . % competition)

– Day time (10 – 16 hours) + 11, 7 % (25.3 % vs . 13.6% competition)

– Access (16 – 19 hours) + 4% (24.6 % vs . 20.6 % competition)

– Late fringe (23 -26 hours) + 3 % ( 22.4 , % vs . 19.4% competition)

– All day (6 – 26 hours) +1.3 % (23.2 % vs . 21.9% competition)


Intact televisions lead the TV market during day time on the commercial public in March, with a market share of 20.3%.

Compared to February this year, Intact Media Group televisions recorded appreciations of market share on most slots for the public and commercial target, among which the most notable increases were recorded on the morning and afternoon segments.

Moreover, the first three months of 2014 brought an increase of Intact’s market share on the most important segments of the day, at urban level:

– Whole day + 2.6%

– Day time + 10.7%

– Access + 4.7%

– Late Fringe +2.3 %

– All Day + 2.4%


Antena 1, the most loved entertainment television in Romania, has appreciated its market share on the commercial audience for its time slots such as morning (+15 %) or access. Antena 1 is the undisputable leader in day time both for commercial and urban public.

The most watched programs in February were ” Next Star” , ” Romania Danseaza „, Te pui cu blondele”, „Tu cara me suena!,” „Junior Chef”, the news journals of Observator, and the daily TV landmarks of Romanians: Mireasă pentru fiul meu, Acces Direct and Un show păcătos sinner .

Antena 3 is the most watched news channel in Romania, ranking 3rd in general televisions top in March. The channel increased on all time slots, the most important appreciation being during day time (+21%), access (+28%), late fringe (+23%) and prime time (+13%). Among the most watched programs range “Sinteza Zilei”, “Punctul de întâlnire”, “Subiectiv”, “La ordinea zilei” , “În premieră cu Carmen Avram”, “Secvențial”, “Q&A” and “în gura presei.”

Antena Stars, the television channel that reveals the world of celebrity, increased its market share on all daily segments in March, showing significant growth during morning (+180%), day time (+77%), late fringe (+100%) and whole day (+ 60%). Among the most popular programs were “Agentul VIP”, “Răi da’ buni”, “Asistentele”,  “Dosarele VIP”, “Dincolo de aparențe”, “Star News” and “Star Chef”.

Euforia TV, the television channel dedicated to women, has appreciated its share on the majority of daily time slots in March, showing significant growth during day time (+200%), access (+113%), late fringe (+93%), whole day (+88%). Contributors to this result were the TV series: “Totul despre sex” (Sex and the city), “Moștenitorii”, “Dr.House”, “Pe viață”, as well as the new season of the local production “Prodanca și Reghe: Relații internaționale”.

Intact is the sole media group which holds three TV channels in top 10 television stations during daytime, on the commercial public target, during March: Antena 1, Antena 3 Antena Stars. Intact Media Group TV division had an average reach of 6.351.000 million viewers throughout the day in March.

Intact thanks its public, for its support and loyalty and values the contribution of each Romanian to these results.

All the data is provided by Kantar Media.